Senin, 22 Juni 2009

The Journey of My Computer

yess yess finally my computer has been repaired hahaha i'm so happy coz i can do everything with my computer yesssss yessssssss hahaha.
i repaired it at depok and at the first time i'm quite lazy to do it!coz i have to do it by myself although my mom was driving me to that computer service but yeah you know i'm just a girl i can't do it everything by myself but my parents always ask me that i have to be independent so i can do all of that by myself.yayaya i'll try hope it'll work someday :D

oke akhirnya setelah bernegoisasi dengan mas mas komputer yang susah banget diajak negoisasi (haha bahasanya muter)bujuk dia supaya dateng ke rumah gue aja buat benerinya gitu.ya maksud gue sih biar gampang dianya gak mau mau yaudah deh i give up so i'm back to home and there's a little problem again before i went to that service computer again.
oh knowww my car suddenly error haha yayaya my mom was afraid and got a little bit angry coz it happened after my car has snow washed grrrrrrrrr -___-!but alhamdulillah my car it's okay.
mungkin dia belum terbiasa dengan mandi salju itu ya haha apa deh.

oke gue udah bercuap cuap jelasin problemnya yah sambil nanya-nanya lah supaya gue bisa juga gitu caelaaaaaah haha.
and then after a few moment (kurang lebih gini percakapanya)

mas mas service (MMC) : eh dek sini deh
gue : iya udah kelar ya?
MMC : iya sini gue ajarin cara masangnya
gue : dalam hati (wess udah pake gue lo aja nih orang)hahaha
(gue merhatiin dan nanya lagi),oh jadi ini yang buat nyolok monitor?ini keyboard?ini internet?
MMC : iyaiyaiya
eh terus ada mbak mbak lain oh iya jadi ini buat nyolok keyboard?internet?monitor?
nah ini buat nyolok usb dong?lah kalo gitu ini CPU dong?
GROOOOOOOOOOK hahaha apa deh ngelucu dia -___-!

i'd just wanna say thanks to Allah SWT,my mom and that MMC guy so i can operated my computer again thank you all (berasa nerima award) haha

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