Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Behind The Scene of Final Exam

Start at 7 p.m

(full of spirit)

10 minutes later....

(open the book)

30 minutes later....

(full of concentration)

at 7.35 p.m

(refresh mind ----> take a break for a while,eh?)

at 7.40 p.m

( streched the body get into the bed,eh?)

at 7.45 p.m


Well,I had full of spirit at the beginning for my FINAL EXAM, but 30 minutes later I'd just can't resist the BED!So I gave up,I get on my bed and yep study in the dreamland!

I Hope I'll Get Good News for My Final's Score :)

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

FUN Actually

Being a NERD,yeah N.E.R.D !

They usually known by their wormbook identity and with big glasses,weird bang,old-style clothes with tight button on the top and soon.But,what I've been thinking about is you know sometimes being a NERD sounds fun,because they don't have to care about their appearance,what's hit fashion in this world coz' all they do just read read and read ! I didn't say that I'm a fashionisnta or kinda like that but I do care about my appearance and I still care about what's hit fashion in the world.But there's one same thing between me and nerdy. I like to wear anything that makes me comfort whether it hits in this surface of earth or not,whether people love it or not.I wear something that I loved so do nerdy!

So,overall sometimes being nerdy is weird but sometimes it also FUN !